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How To Calculate Percentages





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



How To Calculate Percentages(圖1)-速報App

(40%) ^4 =?

Can you do it without using a calculator? Do you know how to calculate percentages?

How To Calculate Percentages(圖2)-速報App

The percentage, simple interest, and compound interest are present in mathematics tests of all Contests even for doctors, nurses and lawyers!

Percent means “for every 100” or "out of 100." The (%) symbol as a quick way to write a fraction with a denominator of 100. As an example, instead of saying "it rained 14 days out of every 100," we say "it rained 14% of the time."

How To Calculate Percentages(圖3)-速報App

An approval can change your life!

Many issues are easily solved by applying the only concept of percentage and about how to calculate percentages.

How To Calculate Percentages(圖4)-速報App

The percentages calculator also present in trade, industry, financing, profit or loss calculation.

The percentages calculator, although very important, is taught at a school in a few hours.

How To Calculate Percentages(圖5)-速報App

The teacher never explains the main element: The concept of percentages calculator.

In a simple language, this application shows how anyone can easily learn how to calculate percentage using different ways. When you learn how to calculate percentages, also will HAVE ALL CONDITIONS TO LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Depreciation, Losses due to Monetary inflation and Capital gains.

How To Calculate Percentages(圖6)-速報App

As you guide your child you should also take the opportunity to explain the importance and relevance of percentage calculations: pay rises, allowance rises, interest rates, discounts on sale items etc. Learning is always improved when the relevance of what is being learned is appreciated.

How To Calculate Percentages(圖7)-速報App